When parents divorce, one of the most debated issues is support of their children. Both parents are responsible for supporting their children, and it is always best for the divorcing parents to agree to a child support arrangement outside of court. However, at times a reasonable arrangement cannot be made without litigation. In such a case, it is important to have competent legal help to ensure that your rights and the best interests of your children are protected.

At the Law Office of Rodney Davis, we help advocate for your interests as we work toward securing an agreement that both sides can be satisfied with.

Modification & Enforcement

After a divorce has been finalized, sometimes circumstances change, rendering the child support award excessive or insufficient. In such cases, revisiting the original support agreement may be warranted. Our office can put together a strong argument for a modification of the agreement based on the new circumstances and in keeping with the best interests of the child. Also, there are times when the non-custodial parent is not fulfilling his or her support obligations. When this happens, it may be necessary to employ one or more enforcement mechanisms. Our office is here to help help ensure all the proper steps are taken to effectively enforce the existing child support arrangement.


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